Mount Everest Weather - Black Diamond Expedition

Mount Everest Weather

Mount Everest (8,848.86 m (29,031.7 ft), the world’s highest peak, attracts climbers and adventurers from around the globe. As climbers progress towards the expedition, they will be treated to an amazing and breathtaking experience with memories of a Lifetime. 

However, the weather on mount everest can be unpredictable and changeable. So, climbers need to be prepared for any weather conditions. You can conquer the weather challenges by packing the right gear and equipment and by being physically and mentally prepared. Moreover, climbers and trekkers should always be prepared for extreme and rapidly changing weather.

Mount Everest Climate

The Climate of Mount Everest varies depending on the different seasons and altitudes. Along with that weather conditions and the temperature of mount everest can be unpredictable and can differ from year to year. Similarly, global warming is also causing significant changes in the climate of mount everest.  

Over the last few decades, the number of alerts linking to Mount Everest and the Glaciers Mountains has impacted both locals and climbers. The rise in temperatures increases glaciers melting, altering precipitation patterns,  destabilizing ice structures, and increasing the risk of avalanches. 

Here’s a list of the climate of Mount Everest each month:

1. January: 

The climate of mount everest is frigid in January and temperatures can drop below -30°C (-22°F). 

2. February: 

In February, the climate is extremely cold along with high winds and snowfall, 

3. March:

The climate is still frigid in March, however, the daylight will increase this month.

4. April:

The temperature began to rise in April month, similarly, the weather in Mount Everest will be improved. This month, Everest climbing conditions started to improve, with some expeditions attempting the summit. 

5. May:

The climate in May will be moderate with favorable temperatures and predictable weather. Similarly, this is the peak climbing season, with less severe cold. 

6. June:

The weather in this month becomes warmer and the climbing season continues. 

7. July:

It is the peak of the monsoon season on Mount Everest. The temperatures of everest continue to rise, with averages ranging from 3°F (-16°C) to 14°F (-10°C). Similarly, there will be heavy rainfall and the visibility can be limited.

8. August:

August is still part of the monsoon season, with the temperature rise.  Similarly,  there will be high rainfall and climbers need to be cautious of slippery conditions.

9. September:

September marks the end of the monsoon season in the Everest region. Additionally, the conditions of Mount Everest began to improve. The weather and temperature become drier and it presents suitable conditions for climbing. 

10. October:

October is the popular month for climbing mount everest. It offers favorable weather conditions with clear skies and moderate temperatures. 

11. November:

In November, the temperature began to fall. However, it still offers good climbing conditions, with less wind and clear skies.

12. December:

December is the coldest month on Mount Everest, with average temperatures around -29°F (-34°C). Snowfall is common, and high winds can create dangerous conditions.

Mount Everest Temperature

The warmest average temperature of Mount Everest can be −19 ° C (−2 ° F), while the coldest average temperature can be −36 ° C (−33 ° F) and can drop to −60 ° C (−76 ° F). Similarly, the temperature can be changeable and unfavorable along with the different seasons. Here is the table that shows the temperature of the different months below:  

Month Temperature 
January -33°C(-36°F) 
February -35°C (-31°F) 
March -32 °C (-25.6°F) 
April -31° C (-23.8°F) 
May -25° C (-13° F) 
June -20 °C (-4° F) 
July -18° C (-0.4° F) 
August -18 °C (-0.4° F) 
September -21° C (-5.8° F) 
October -27 °C (-16.6 °) 
November -30 °C (-22° F) 
December -34° C (-29.2 °F) 

Best Time to Climb Mount Everest 

Choosing the best time to climb mount everest is necessary to ensure safety and successful expeditions. The best time to climb mount everest is mid-March through mid-June with April and May being the most suitable months for climbing. During this period, there will be milder temperatures, clearer skies, and lower wind speeds, providing climbers with better visibility and safer climbing conditions. The improved weather allows for a more reliable ascent and descent, reducing the risks associated with unpredictable weather patterns.

Autumn is another favorable season for climbing Everest, the temperature is moderate and there will be no rainfall. But it can be more challenging due to strong winds. These winds can whip through the higher reaches, making the climb tougher. However, experienced climbers who seek a quieter experience may opt for this season.

Weather Forecast of Mount Everest 

The weather on Mount Everest can be quite changeable due to its extreme altitude and challenging conditions. While the forecast provides valuable information, it’s essential to be prepared for sudden shifts in weather. At such high elevations, conditions can shift rapidly from clear skies to snowstorms or high winds. Similarly, climbers must exercise caution, dress appropriately, and stay informed about any updates or warnings.

Impact on Climbers: How Everest’s Weather Shapes Expedition Strategies

The ever-changing weather conditions on Mount Everest significantly impact climbers’ expedition strategies and their physical and mental well-being. Climbers always plan their ascent considering the unpredictable weather. However, rapid shifts from clear skies to blizzards or high winds can alter the progress. So, they strategically choose the best season for summit attempts, during the Spring or  Autumn, when the weather conditions are relatively favorable and stable. 

Furthermore, acclimatization is crucial. Climbers ascend gradually allowing their bodies to adjust to the changing weather conditions. Similarly, sudden weather changes can disrupt the acclimatization process, leading to altitude sickness or frostbite. So, they may retreat to lower camps to take a rest and recover. Additionally,  Factors such as avalanches, and icy conditions will make it complicated for the climb. In these conditions, climbers need to assess different routes such as the South Col or North Col. Overall,  these types of changes in weather patterns may impact the safety and feasibility of specific routes.

Altitude and Weather: Exploring the Effects of Elevation on Climate

As climbers go up Mount Everest and reach different camps like Camp I, II, and III, the weather and conditions get more challenging due to the increasing altitude. At Camp I(6,065 m(19,900 ft), it starts to get colder, and the air has less oxygen, making it harder to breathe. Moving up to Camp II (6,400m/ 20,997 ft), it gets even colder, and windier, and the air pressure continues to drop. This makes the weather more unpredictable, and climbers need to be careful. 

Similarly, when reaching Camp III (7,163 m (23,500 ft), the conditions get tougher with thinner air, colder temperatures, and stronger winds. Climbers have to be extra prepared to handle the challenges of altitude and weather on Mount Everest and adapt to these changes as they go higher, ensuring they acclimatize well and make smart decisions. 

Climate Change and Everest: Examining the Impact of Global Warming

Climate change is having a significant impact on Everest. The rise in global temperatures is affecting Mount Everest, causing the rapid melting of its glaciers and the formation of hazardous glacial lakes that pose the threat of bursting and downstream floods. The increase in sea levels resulting from melting glaciers and ice sheets ads another concern, affecting local communities, ecosystems, and infrastructure in the Everest region. Moreover, the climbing conditions are also directly affected, as previously safe routes become more hazardous due to an increased risk of rockfall and avalanches.

The changing climate not only alters the physical landscape of Everest but also disrupts its ecosystems. Those species that used to adapt to colder temperatures are being displaced, while new species may move in. Additionally, the changing climate conditions of mount everest raise the risk of natural disasters, with the increasing chance of outburst floods, landslides, and avalanches. 

Tips for Everest Climbers 

Climbing Everest is an adventurous challenge that demands meticulous preparation, physical fitness, and mental resilience. Here are some essential tips for climbers attempting to climb Mount Everest:

1. Physical Fitness:

Before summiting mount everest, you need to prioritize rigorous and well-rounded physical training. Focus on cardiovascular fitness, strength training, and endurance exercises to prepare your body for the demanding ascent.

2. Mental Preparedness: 

You need to be prepared mentally for the physical demands, extreme and changeable weather conditions, and potential setbacks. So, as a climber maintain a positive mindset be prepared to take any risks, and have an I can do it attitude. 

3.  Acclimatisation:

Before ascending, spend sufficient time acclimatizing to higher elevations. Similarly, gradual exposure allows your body to adjust to lower oxygen levels, which will reduce the risk of altitude-related illnesses.

5. Knowledge of Climbing Techniques:

You must acquire advanced climbing skills, including ice and rock climbing, as well as techniques for navigating through crevasses and challenging terrain. Additionally, familiarise yourself with the use of climbing gear and safety equipment.

6. Adequate Gear:

Packing high-quality gear is necessary for extreme weather conditions. This includes insulated clothing, sturdy boots, high-altitude mountaineering equipment, and a reliable and well-fitted backpack.

7. Choose a Reputable Guide and Team:

Select an experienced and reputable guide and climbing team. A knowledgeable guide can significantly enhance safety and increase the chances of a successful summit.

9. Respect the Environment:

Practice Leave No Trace principles. Respect the environment by minimizing your ecological footprint and adhering to responsible climbing practices.

10. Weather Monitoring:

Stay informed about weather conditions. The Everest’s climate can be unpredictable, and being aware of upcoming weather patterns is crucial for planning the ascent.

11. Nutrition and Hydration:

Pay careful attention to nutrition and hydration. You must maintain a balanced diet and stay well-hydrated, as proper nutrition is essential for energy and recovery in challenging conditions.

12. Emergency Preparedness:

Be well-versed in first aid and emergency response. Have a comprehensive plan for dealing with emergencies, including evacuation procedures.

13. Patience and Flexibility:

Exercise patience and flexibility in your climbing schedule. Everest’s conditions can change rapidly, and adaptability is key for a safe and successful climb.

Remember, climbing Everest is an adventurous journey that requires careful planning, preparation, and a deep understanding of the challenges involved. So, prioritize safety, adhere to ethical climbing practices, and approach the climb with the utmost respect for the mountain and its environment.


1. What is the typical temperature range on Mount Everest?

At the Everest Base Camp (17,600 ft/5,364 m), temperatures can range from around -5°C to 5°C (23°F to 41°F) during the day, dropping significantly at night. Similarly, As climbers ascend higher, temperatures become much colder. At the summit (29,032 ft or 8,848 m), temperatures can drop to -20°C to -35°C (-4°F to -31°F) or even lower.

2. What are the main challenges climbers face due to Everest’s weather?

The main challenges climbers face due to Everest’s Weather are: 

  • Extreme Cold
  • High Winds
  • Storms
  • Low oxygen levels 

3. How accurate are weather forecasts for Mount Everest?

Weather forecasts for Mount Everest can be different due to the unpredictable nature of mountain weather.

4. How do climbers prepare for extreme weather conditions on Mount Everest?

Some of the tips on how climbers prepare for extreme weather conditions on Mount Everest are: 

  • Training: Climbers do physical training to build strength and endurance for the harsh conditions.
  • Acclimatization: Spending time at higher altitudes helps the body adjust to lower oxygen levels.
  • Equipment: High-quality gear, including insulated clothing, mountaineering boots, and specialized equipment for extreme conditions, is crucial.
  • Supplemental Oxygen: Many climbers use supplemental oxygen to combat the reduced oxygen levels at higher altitudes.
  • Expert Guidance: Climbers often enlist the services of experienced guides who are familiar with Everest’s conditions.

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